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  4. Mirarab S, Rivas-González I, Feng S, Stiller J, Fang Q, Mai U, Hickey G, Chen G, Brajuka N, Fedrigo O, Formenti G, Wolf JBW, Howe K, Antunes A, Schierup MH, Paten B, Jarvis ED, Zhang G, Braun EL (2024) A region of suppressed recombination misleads neoavian phylogenomics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 121(15): e2319506121. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2319506121
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  6. Germain RR, Feng S, Chen G, Graves GR, Tobias JA, Rahbek C, Lei F, Fjeldså J, Hosner PA, Gilbert MTP, Zhang G, Nogués-Bravo D (2023b) Species-specific traits mediate avian demographic responses under past climate change. Nat Ecol Evol 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-023-02055-3
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  8. Wanders K, Chen G, Feng S, Zhang G, Székely T, Bruford M, Végvári Z, Eichhorn G, Urrutia A (2023) Polygamy and purifying selection in birds. Evolution
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  10. Feng S, Bai M, Rivas-González I, Li C, Liu S, Tong Y, Yang H, Chen G, Xie D, Sears KE, Franco LM, Gaitan-Espitia JD, Nespolo RF, Johnson WE, Yang H, Brandies PA, Hogg CJ, Belov K, Renfree MB, Helgen KM, Boomsma JJ, Schierup MH, Zhang G (2022) Incomplete lineage sorting and phenotypic evolution in marsupials. Cell. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2022.03.034
  11. Sinding M-HS, Ciucani MM, Ramos-Madrigal J, Carmagnini A, Rasmussen JA, Feng S, Chen G, Vieira FG, Mattiangeli V, Ganjoo RK, Larson G, Sicheritz-Pontén T, Petersen B, Frantz L, Gilbert MTP, Bradley DG (2021) Kouprey (Bos sauveli) genomes unveil polytomic origin of wild Asian Bos. iScience 24:103226. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2021.103226
  12. Thorup K, Pedersen L, da Fonseca RR, Naimi B, Nogués-Bravo D, Krapp M, Manica A, Willemoes M, Sjöberg S, Feng S, Chen G, Rey-Iglesia A, Campos PF, Beyer R, Araújo MB, Hansen AJ, Zhang G, Tøttrup AP, Rahbek C (2021) Response of an Afro-Palearctic bird migrant to glaciation cycles. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 118:e2023836118. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2023836118
  13. Wang Z, Zhang J, Xu X, Witt C, Deng Y, Chen G, Meng G, Feng S, Xu L, Szekely T, Zhang G, Zhou Q (2021) Phylogeny and Sex Chromosome Evolution of Palaeognathae. Journal of Genetics and Genomics S1673852721001995. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jgg.2021.06.013
  14. Xie D, Chen G, Meng X, Wang H, Bi X, Fang M, Yang C, Zhou Y, Long E, Feng S (2021) Comparable Number of Genes Having Experienced Positive Selection among Great Ape Species. Animals 11:3264. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11113264
  15. Wang Z-J, Chen G-J, Zhang G-J, Zhou Q (2020) Dynamic evolution of transposable elements, demographic history, and gene content of paleognathous birds. Zoological Research 41:1–11. https://doi.org/10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2020.175
  16. Feng S, Stiller J, Deng Y, Armstrong J, Fang Q, Reeve AH, Xie D, Chen G, Guo C, Faircloth BC, Petersen B, Wang Z, Zhou Q, Diekhans M, Chen W, Andreu-Sánchez S, Margaryan A, Howard JT, Parent C, Pacheco G, Sinding M-HS, Puetz L, Cavill E, Ribeiro ÂM, Eckhart L, Fjeldså J, Hosner PA, Brumfield RT, Christidis L, Bertelsen MF, Sicheritz-Ponten T, Tietze DT, Robertson BC, Song G, Borgia G, Claramunt S, Lovette IJ, Cowen SJ, Njoroge P, Dumbacher JP, Ryder OA, Fuchs J, Bunce M, Burt DW, Cracraft J, Meng G, Hackett SJ, Ryan PG, Jønsson KA, Jamieson IG, da Fonseca RR, Braun EL, Houde P, Mirarab S, Suh A, Hansson B, Ponnikas S, Sigeman H, Stervander M, Frandsen PB, van der Zwan H, van der Sluis R, Visser C, Balakrishnan CN, Clark AG, Fitzpatrick JW, Bowman R, Chen N, Cloutier A, Sackton TB, Edwards SV, Foote DJ, Shakya SB, Sheldon FH, Vignal A, Soares AER, Shapiro B, González-Solís J, Ferrer-Obiol J, Rozas J, Riutort M, Tigano A, Friesen V, Dalén L, Urrutia AO, Székely T, Liu Y, Campana MG, Corvelo A, Fleischer RC, Rutherford KM, Gemmell NJ, Dussex N, Mouritsen H, Thiele N, Delmore K, Liedvogel M, Franke A, Hoeppner MP, Krone O, Fudickar AM, Milá B, Ketterson ED, Fidler AE, Friis G, Parody-Merino ÁM, Battley PF, Cox MP, Lima NCB, Prosdocimi F, Parchman TL, Schlinger BA, Loiselle BA, Blake JG, Lim HC, Day LB, Fuxjager MJ, Baldwin MW, Braun MJ, Wirthlin M, Dikow RB, Ryder TB, Camenisch G, Keller LF, DaCosta JM, Hauber ME, Louder MIM, Witt CC, McGuire JA, Mudge J, Megna LC, Carling MD, Wang B, Taylor SA, Del-Rio G, Aleixo A, Vasconcelos ATR, Mello CV, Weir JT, Haussler D, Li Q, Yang H, Wang J, Lei F, Rahbek C, Gilbert MTP, Graves GR, Jarvis ED, Paten B, Zhang G (2020) Dense sampling of bird diversity increases power of comparative genomics. Nature 587:252–257. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2873-9
  17. Feng S, Fang Q, Barnett R, Li C, Han S, Kuhlwilm M, Zhou L, Pan H, Deng Y, Chen G, Gamauf A, Woog F, Prys-Jones R, Marques-Bonet T, Gilbert MTP, Zhang G (2019) The Genomic Footprints of the Fall and Recovery of the Crested Ibis. Current Biology 29:340-349.e7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2018.12.008